Collective of Intersectional Neurodiversity Organisations & Advocates (CINOA)

Class: Collective Organisation


  1. Members and Non-Members
  2. Hypothetical Strategic Doctrine
  3. Hypothetical Tactical Doctrine
  4. Current Collective Strategy
  5. Self-Criticism

CINOA for the moment is a mere hypothetical collective; made up of a collective of advocates, organisations, and communities which already exist. This would be in the form of an online united front which exists for the planning, organisation, and execution of various online strategies in line with a doctrine of agitation, education, and organising. With a strong desire for solidarity and a united offensive.

This is a mere proof of concept and I will be borrowing lots of the doctrine from a piece I previously wrote about a hypothetical collective organisation of organisations against Judge Rotenberg Education Center.

Collective Members:


Communities are the backbone of the Collective Organisation, they are made up of many types of online community dedicated to neurodiversity and disabled people in general. They may or may not be specifically dedicated to the role of activism, but they nonetheless form the backbone for the Organisation's power base. Action Groups may be rallied from various online communities of varying sizes, and communities can actively or passively promote the movement and its ideals.


Organisations are founded and function based on their own principles and objectives. Organisations can be large or small, but unlike action groups, organisations pursue their objectives before the objectives of the collective organisation. But are likely to be the most dedicated supporters and participants of the collective organisation and can also form their own action groups.

Action Groups:

Action Groups are volunteer groups made up of the most dedicated volunteers from various sources, which exist to fulfil the mandates and needs of the Collective Organisation. They are organised and structured differently from each other, and all have different or at least similar tasks. Their responsibilities and structures vary depending on their abilities and skill sets. Their individual members may be permanent or temporary, but it mostly depends on the specific Action Group in question.

Site Teams:

We thank those who help contribute to this site.

Signatory Invitations:

Shows a list of invitations, and the invitations which have been accepted. Such signatories for the moment aren't beholden or required to fulfil any tasks in particular as the organisation has yet to officially federate. This means the current existing organisation is classed as a Proto-Organisation. But nothing comes from nowhere, so it must be understood that organisations are set up in stages.

Accepted Invitations:

As the Collective has not officially been formed just yet, this is a list of communities, organisations, and action groups, who have agreed to the creation of the collective. Even if they are not officially members, they would be de-facto founding members. If you or your community or organisation is interested in joining this list, feel free to contact Admiral Chair.

Pending Invitations:

These are invitations that Admiral Chair has personally sent out to various communities, organisations, and action groups, requesting them to agree to the creation of a collective. This does not include all invitations which are planned, only invitations which have an active dialogue with Admiral Chair.

Collective Non-Members:

Non-Member Affiliates:

Hypothetical Strategic Doctrine:

  1. Create a network of subreddit moderators, to brainstorm and coordinate plans and community operations.
  2. Allow community involvement and democracy to get suggestions and ideas from community members on what would be a good idea to organise. (On each individual subreddits and mods bring ideas to the network table)
  3. Successfully coordinate memetic strikes against Judge Rotenburg Center.
  4. Understand the importance of long term longevity of the movement to prevent burnout or the phenomenon of everyone going back to brunch after a victory and not continuing Neurodiversity struggle.
  5. Successfully coordinate operations with already existing movements.
  6. A Intersectional Neurodiversity Network must not make partisan issues issues to solve at the network table as anti-factionalism is a key doctrine. Any and all partisan issues among the disability rights movements must be solved elsewhere and shouldn't be dragged into network discussions.
  7. Attempt to bring in YouTubers, and non-reddit communities into the fold. In an attempt to broaden the scope of network operations.
  8. NEVER TALK TO THE MEDIA IF YOU DON'T HAVE MEDIA TRAINING! This is essential, do not forget what happened to r/antiwork, do not let it happen to us. And if you talk to the media... MAKE SURE IT'S MEDIA YOU KNOW THAT IS OUTRIGHT SUPPORTIVE OF OUR GOAL AND UNDERSTANDS AND HELPS YOU WITH LACK OF MEDIA TRAINING!
  9. Once such network is strong enough, attempt to formalise it into an inherent institution of our movement. This means we are far more centralised then other online movements, which gives us a greater ability to coordinate and possibly even move up to outdoors mass movements if possible.
  10. This is explicitly an attempt to create a Neurodiversity political force with grass roots foundations and policy direction. Interpersonal drama is an explicit threat to the movement and all must remember that this should beyond specific individuals and this is towards a collective struggle for a brighter future. This doesn't mean organisers should all be on best terms and should sit through discomfort. But mod teams themselves engage with other mod teams as one, to prevent interpersonal flare up. Your loyalty is to your sub consistency and the movement. Don't let it be personal, by engaging as groups.
  11. Mental Health breaks are IMPORTANT, we understand that moderators are Human and all of this would be lots of pressure. Ideally for the most user participation and retention of mass and collective action, spacing out these strikes or operations is an essential part to maintaining the passion of such a movement. So in a same light, this also applies to the top level of the network, DO NOT overwork and burn yourselves out. The key here is that once we beat JRC, we keep fighting. JRC allows our movement to have a baptism in fire. If we beat JRC it must be remembered this is just the beginning.
  12. Doomerism and apathy is defeat. We must remember that the modern world as we know it was built on movements and struggles just like these. Look to the past for inspiration and pride. Remember Stonewall, remember the suffrage movement, the right to vote, the 8 hour work day... Maybe not all of these even apply some some of our comrades of brains countries, but when I look at Bastille day or the 13th Amendment in the United States, I do not see them as a national struggle, I see them as Humanist struggle in general. In an international sense I find pride in our Human trials against Human tyranny. Maybe you have a different perspective. But remember this... People have faced worse odds and come out on top. REMEMBER THIS AND INTERNALISE THIS!
  13. SOLIDARITY FOREVER! This is simple, but we must internalise this phrase.

Hypothetical Tactical Doctrine:

  1. Meme War
  2. Meme war does sound silly, but do not underestimate what a meme war can do. Memes are in a sense modern propaganda, and we must be honest that those who take part are themselves propagandists which isn't inherently negative. Memes could be normal memes and macros, or art and copypastas. Meme war is legitimately an effective tactic in the modern world. Make sure to weaponize it to its fullest potential. In calling for organisation of the communities and the proceeding strikes and operations preceding it.

  3. Make essays, videos, comments, posts, music, games, and art. Weaponize talent.
  4. If we are to build a movement we need lots of ideas, formalised ideas that can change peoples minds and perspectives. Remember who we are for a second, the autistic community, so many people with amazing and quite hyper specific talents. Weaponize your talent for our struggle. But most importantly, get the word around.

  6. This is simple, be really annoying about this, when you can, educate people about JRC, and agitate our positions when possible.

  7. Don't burn yourself out.
  8. Just like for the previous list, sustain your passion by doing it when you feel like it, not when you don't feel as such. Our success relies on all of us sustaining our siege until we reach a better world. Not just climbing a few steps.

  9. Diplomacy and Optics
  10. You aren't forced to police your tone, this is only my suggestions. But generally speaking people are more amenable to your ideas when you put it in a tone they appreciate. This is merely a point of tactics. But never personally attack anyone you are trying to educate or agitate to, because they will be less receptive.

  11. Understand and have a grasp of how algorithms work and drive attention.
  12. This means you can spread you ideas more effectively, such as posting during the most effective times pf the day, having catchy or eye grabbing works or thumbnails. And generally anything that helps boost the amount of eyes that skim around your activism.

Current Collective Strategy:

As of the moment, the Organisation, exists in a 'Proto-Organisational' stage of development. This means the organisation itself needs to literally prove that it is worth supporting, while also lacking the capacity to fully prove itself. This contradiction is ingrained in the very DNA of such a style of grass roots foundation, as it is founded on the passions of but a few individuals who do not actually represent all of the constituents they wish to represent.

Hence the primary strategy for this period of development, is developing the organisations capacity to coordinate its limited resources and labour-power to exponentially increase itself at a rate which makes the fledgling proto-organisation seem like a promising endeavour for future growth and development.

To demonstrate the current potential capacity of the organisation, we will use a bit of maths.

Long Name Short Name Amount of People Calculation Method
Total Potential Advocates (TPA) 9056 Signatory Member Population
Likely Potential Advocates (LPA) 181 Division by 50
After Activity Dilution (AAD) 12 Division by 15

From this we can see an overly pessimistic calculation. But, if there is more than 12 potential people who would be willing to actively work on this project, then that's a large amount of labour which could be achieved.

If 12 people dedicated at least two hours of labour-time into the project a week, that means a work output of 24 hours worth of labour-time each week. For a month in total, this would quadruple into 96 hours of labour-time. So on, and so forth!

Lets say 500 words of content could be produced in an hour, which is once again, a slightly pessimistic estimate. This means 1,000 words per week per person. This then becomes 12,000 words of content per week in total. Lets presume an article/wiki/essay is 4,000 words each. This means 6 pages could be made every fortnight. That over the course of a month is 12 pages, and over 6 months is... 76 pages. That is a tremendous amount of content in just six months, and we are to believe that is only with 12 content writers.

The point is this scales really quickly, and commitment itself will make such a reality come into being. Which is why we need more content writers!

The Vanguard & Action Groups:

Vanguard Definition:

"a group of people leading the way in new developments or ideas."

"late Middle English (denoting the foremost part of an army): shortening of Old French avan(t)garde, from avant ‘before’ + garde ‘guard’."

- Oxford Languages Dictionary

At the current moment, the best way to achieve the short term goals of the organisation is through a more centralised network of action groups operating to complete specific tasks which they have been assigned. Admiral Chair, is simply one person; I am but one person, more hands on deck are needed to adequately meet the growth needs of the organisation.

For the moment this means the establishment of some action groups, which are already being worked on.

This in my view, is what it will take to spread the ideals set forth and establish the collective organisation further. This collective strategy will be audited when necessary, and will be replaced with a new collective strategy when the movement reaches its next stage of development.


I will make a more expansive self-criticism later but I will sum it up into dot points for the moment.